Preprint on germline set development now available

The AIRR Community has recently published a preprint on the community development of IG and TR germline sets. This sets out the principles and approach being followed for the development and publication of germline sets on OGRDB, which we hope will gain wider traction in the community as a whole.

Categorised as OGRDB_News

Using the OGRDB mouse germline sets

For many analyses, it is important to annotate AIRR-seq repertoires with an accurate and comprehensive germline set. As an example, determination of the overall mutation rate of a repertoire may give misleading results if frequently-expressed sequences are omitted. Likewise, many methods of clonal assignment require an accurate determination of the germline. The IG loci of… Continue reading Using the OGRDB mouse germline sets

Categorised as OGRDB_News

Using the VDJbase REST API

The REST API allows you to access VDJbase programatically, which can be useful if you want to incorporate data into your own systems, and keep it up-to-date. All communication between the VDJbase client in the browser and the VDJbase server is via the API: any data you see in the browser has been provided over… Continue reading Using the VDJbase REST API

Downloading OGRDB Data

OGRDB provides facilities on various pages to download key items of data. Some tables also provide buttons to download in CSV or Excel format. The entire database is archived periodically at The latest version is always available at .

Categorised as OGRDB

Germline sets now have DOIs

Germline sets on OGRDB are copied to for long-term security and have DOIs issued by Zenodo which you will see on the Germline Sets pages. The DOI is updated with each version: you can provide the DOI for the version used in your research as a permanent link to the set.

Categorised as OGRDB_News

Tools for working with germline sets

The AIRR-C standard germline sets published in OGRDB use a new naming scheme: please see this poster for details. Because the format of these names may not be compatible with all current pipeline tools, we have released receptor-germline-tools: utilities that can convert to more compatible subgroup-identifier-allele form. We have also updated the FASTA files downloadable… Continue reading Tools for working with germline sets

MiAIRR metadata in VDJbase

VDJbase now provides AIRR-seq study metadata that follows the MiAIRR schema. For those studies that are listed in the iReceptor gateway, the metadata reflects that served by the gateway. For other studies, the metadata provided by VDJbase has been converted to MiAIRR attributes. This means that there are many more columns to choose from on… Continue reading MiAIRR metadata in VDJbase

Further updates to AIRR-seq IGH analysis

The IGH records are now processed with a pipeline that provides improved handling of sequences that are duplicated in the reference set: that is, multiple allele definitions having the same sequence. A bug in OGRDBstats that created incorrect full v-sequence alignments has also been fixed.

IGH Analysis updated

The analysis of the Human IGH dataset has now been updated to determine novel sequences based on the actual V length inferred by igblast, enabling greater recognition of variation at the 3′ end. To provide greater detail on the analysis, we now provide the commit id of the pipeline version used for analysis in the… Continue reading IGH Analysis updated